Friday, June 20, 2008

Great Stuff!

Great two weeks, met a lot of good and bad artists, cool stuff!
from Bongani


Anonymous said...

touching moments...

a brilliant satire on the contemporary notions of art; wedged, bashed, floored, leaked (on) and gunked...what a way of dealing with the farce of art & identity in our country...

call it my fascination with 'painting the white house blak', as george clinton would say, or more relevantly a load shedding of the rainbow nations made-for-tv smile and generations typecast from the mouldy idea of how and what art should be...

...a calling out of the fart in art, at least what has been put out there and galleried...

...i'm touched...

Christian Nerf said...

Thank you all for getting down.

Looking forward...

Bongani Mkhonza said...

Bongani said: 'This is the closest to reality'what a touching moment!