Thursday, August 7, 2008

´forging networks without borders´

tremble, fear, excitement, strangers, food, beer, sounds, scenes and everything else you could probably imagine to this endless list of subjective but yet universal experiences. luanda, a capital city of angola, the world´s most expensive city, and yet stark contrast of poverty and wealth. if you survive as an artist in angola you have to be connected to foreign countries for funding, or your uncle is a board member of many local giant corporates such as oil, engineering, import/export etc...

anyways, besides the gloomy picture i just drew above, people of luanda are quite friendly people. there is no stress of walking alone at night in the middle of the city here, unlike cape town, where i have to be conscious of which routes i take to leave long street or when i have to be at the taxi rank. there is a very strong sense of togetherness, "hanguilla" (power to the people) is a common daily greeting term of togetherness...

i had a wonderful reception from the locals, regardless of the fact that english is not popular at all here, they still received me with joy and ubuntu as i know it, and this was touching, given the current state of affairs in south africa with regards to ´black africans´ yes ´black africans´... ´hanguilla´

well, i won´t say much for now as power failures are everyday reality here just like they are in south africa, but then understandably so, they are recuccitating the whole country as they just came out of their hopefully last war...


Bongani Mkhonza said...

Loyiso: its great to hear good news about Luanda. We need a lot of that in Africa. I will be joining you in Luanda in a weeks time. Coming back to the arts, I wish to point out that, public art should form part of that reconstruction of the city after the war. Is there any involvement of the artists at that level? Are there any public sculptures, arti-facts...etc around Luanda? by Bongani Mkhonza

O Toke É Esse said...

Hello! Great site!
Are you living in Luanda?

Please, check this site: Os Internacionalistas de Angola - Arts from Angola, where you can find a bunch of our arty Luanda friends.


Unknown said...

The least complex type of the virus fashioning measure advances on certain means. It begins when a bar or wire stock is set at the stepping or squeezing instrument. The most well-known outcomes are nails, screw with a head or a fastener. When these yields go through another virus heading measure, the shape might be changed to different structures. The most widely recognized models are the heads of screw drivers or knurls.